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český fousek



for members of club „ Bohemian wire – haired  Pointing Griffon“ abroad.

      How to pay the member ship fees:

Annual membership fee is 20 Euro

There is posibility to pay for two years in advance – 40 euro, or for three years in  advanced – 60 euro.

There must be written your name and the number of your membership card.


Account in FIO bank

       IBAN: CZ 29 2010 0000 0027 00549116


       Number of the account: 2700549116/2010


Address of the club:

       KCHCF, Jungmanova 25,  115 25  Praha 1

       Address of the bank :

       FIO banka, a.s.

       V Celnici 1028/10

      117 21 Praha 1

       Czech Republic

More information from the club registrar: Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.


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